Complete Guide To The MD5 Algorithm In 5 Simple Steps


The message digest is mostly located using the MD5 algorithm. Every message is essentially padded into blocks of 512 bits apiece using the MD5 algorithm. In essence, there are 4 rounds of 16 operations each, which means that we conduct 64 operations overall in each block, with the output from each block being sent into the block after it. The procedure is repeated until the last block. The final block's output is our message digest.



  • It is utilized in transmission protocols for the purpose of data verification.
  • Many online applications employ the MD5 hash to increase security and prevent security lapses, hacking, etc.
  • The 128-bit hash value produced by the MD5 method, which accepts any message, was created primarily for security reasons.


2) MD5 Algorithm Operation

The MD5 algorithm's five main phases are listed below. It's them,

  • Add a few filler bits.

When we first get a message, its size may be 5000 bits, 12345 bits, etc. We add some extra bits, referred to as padding bits, for this message. It's important to remember that when bits are added, the resulting total number of bits must be 64 bits shy of being a multiple of 512. And for padding, we start with a 1 and add 0s for the remainder.


  • Truncate length bits

In this stage, we add the length bits in place of the padding bits. The message was initially attached in the first step so that the total number of bits fell 64 bits short of being a multiple of 512. Now, we combine the length bits such that the message's total bit count is a perfect multiple of 512. That indicates that the message is expanded to 64 bits, or length bits.


  • Set up the MD buffer

We employ four 32-bit buffers in this stage. Give this buffer the designations A, B, C, and D, accordingly. In the next phases, the purpose of these buffers will become clear. In this stage, the buffers must be initialized. The following describes how we initialize.

A = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 

B = 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f

C = f, e, d, c, b, a, 9, 8

D = 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0


  • Each 512-bit chunk separately

There will be 64 processes total, broken up into 4 rounds of 16 processes, according to a previous statement. For four separate rounds, we employ four different functions. Here, we employ the functions F, G, H, and I, correspondingly.

The buffers A, B, C, and D were initialized in the preceding phase. A1, B1, C1, and D1 will also be the output following the round procedure.

B's output will go into C1, which will then go into D1, and D into A1. A will be supplied into B1 as well, but after a procedure.

Initially, the F function is applied to the output of B, C, and D. For the output of this with A, we shall do the addition modulo by 232 bits. For this, we add the 32-bit message and then multiply the result by 232 bits once more. The output is then modified by 32 bits and a 32 bit constant is added. Finally, we do an addition modulo by 232 and a left shift by s (s can take on any value).

This outcome will be passed to b1. Thus, all 4 buffers' output was obtained. Using the F function, this is one operation. F will be used in a total of 16 operations, followed by 16 operations each in G, H, and I for a total of 64 operations.

The initial block of the following 512 bit block will be the output we receive at this point.



This continues until the final 512-bit block is handled. Our message digest is eventually the output of the final 512-bit block. The outputs we receive are 32-bit chunks. There are now 4 blocks of 32 bits, which results in an output of 128 bits. So, in this case, we input 512 bits and output 128 bits.



  • The MD5 method is particularly beneficial since it makes storing and comparing smaller hashes easier than it does for huge texts of varying length.
  • In UNIX, they are utilized to store passwords in 128-bit form.
  • Additionally, creating a message digest from the original message is simple.



  • It should not be feasible to generate the same hash function for two separate inputs when using the MD5 algorithm. However, the fact that this was feasible increases its drawback.
  • When compared to other algorithms like SHA-I, MD5 is likewise well recognized for being sluggish.



Even if there are drawbacks to employing the MD5 method, we should also concentrate on its positives. Yes, it is quicker and simpler to use. And there are many more developments coming.


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